© Marquette Productions Inc DBA MPower Workshops


New Faculty!

We love to keep you up to date when add exciting new members to our faculty! Check back often for updates! We’re thrilled to introduce Ali Solomon; a talented performer, choreographer and director. She is blowing up Broadway and the theater world with her athletic choreography and dymanic versatility. You can read more about her by clicking on her photo.

Connect with us!

Want a little more insight into who we are and what MPower is all about? Be sure to click on the icons at the top of this page to follow us on social media. You can also check out our blog on WordPress. You can link to some of our posts on our home page or click here to get valuable insight into dance education and what it can and should do for your dancer!
Faculty Spotlight Non eiusmod do excepteur reprehenderit ea aliquip. Pariatur anim reprehenderit officia adipisicing dolor lorem culpa sit ullamco nostrud aliqua magna cillum ex ut ut sed in. Eiusmod laboris commodo enim cillum occaecat exercitation tempor cupidatat mollit magna in ut ullamco lorem irure proident ut labore. Officia deserunt dolor ad non.   Eiusmod ut irure duis consequat tempor dolor dolore esse. Nulla labore quis ullamco est mollit amet reprehenderit consequat in nisi in tempor sit mollit nostrud est. Occaecat velit ea ut aute fugiat. Ad, pariatur, occaecat officia proident, duis voluptate, dolore pariatur ut elit et occaecat sint. In veniam consectetur ex incididunt ex consequat.

Student Spotlight

Dolor deserunt ea occaecat duis nostrud incididunt officia adipisicing mollit cupidatat cillum reprehenderit nostrud nulla sit laboris, ut magna. Eu mollit do reprehenderit. Cillum voluptate sed dolor velit in tempor quis officia non cillum proident in est duis eiusmod consequat nulla? Proident fugiat nulla velit. Dolore deserunt anim commodo velit voluptate amet nulla eu, eiusmod proident sunt eiusmod culpa dolore esse ipsum? Proident ut in duis cillum. Cupidatat exercitation non lorem nisi ipsum, anim, aliqua amet culpa commodo. Occaecat esse deserunt do ad, veniam dolor

Upcoming Events:


New Faculty!

We love to keep you up to date when add exciting new members to our faculty! Check back often for updates! We’re thrilled to introduce Ali Solomon; a talented performer, choreographer and director. She is blowing up Broadway and the theater world with her athletic choreography and dymanic versatility. You can read more about her by clicking on her photo.

Faculty Spotlight

Non eiusmod do excepteur reprehenderit ea aliquip. Pariatur anim reprehenderit officia adipisicing dolor lorem culpa sit ullamco nostrud aliqua magna cillum ex ut ut sed in. Eiusmod laboris commodo enim cillum occaecat exercitation tempor cupidatat mollit magna in ut ullamco lorem irure proident ut labore. Officia deserunt dolor ad non. Eiusmod ut irure duis consequat tempor dolor dolore esse. Nulla labore quis ullamco est mollit amet reprehenderit consequat in nisi in tempor sit mollit nostrud est. Occaecat velit ea ut aute fugiat. Ad, pariatur, occaecat officia proident, duis voluptate, dolore pariatur ut elit et occaecat sint. In veniam consectetur ex incididunt ex consequat.

Student Spotlight

Dolor deserunt ea occaecat duis nostrud incididunt officia adipisicing mollit cupidatat cillum reprehenderit nostrud nulla sit laboris, ut magna. Eu mollit do reprehenderit. Cillum voluptate sed dolor velit in tempor quis officia non cillum proident in est duis eiusmod consequat nulla? Proident fugiat nulla velit. Dolore deserunt anim commodo velit voluptate amet nulla eu, eiusmod proident sunt eiusmod culpa dolore esse ipsum? Proident ut in duis cillum. Cupidatat exercitation non lorem nisi ipsum, anim, aliqua amet culpa commodo. Occaecat esse deserunt do ad, veniam dolor mollit deserunt quis ad qui id ut ipsum eu dolor. Voluptate, laboris, eiusmod tempor incididunt nulla laboris nisi nulla nisi exercitation proident sunt.
Coming Soon!

Connect with us!

Want a little more insight into who we are and what MPower is all about? Be sure to click on the icons at the top of this page to follow us on social media. You can also check out our blog on WordPress. You can link to some of our posts on our home page or click here to get valuable insight into dance education and what it can and should do for your dancer!
Coming Soon!